Friday 19 September 2014


(1) Coryza and Influenza or flu (Common cold) - Hundreds of various can cause coryza or common cold but rhinoviruses group is responsible for about 40% of all colds. Typical symptoms are sneezing, excess nasal secretion, cough and congestion.

(2) Asthma -It is a disorder caused by inflammation or hypersensitivity to a variety of stimuli and obstruction of air-way, resulting in difficulty in breathing, coughing, wheezing, etc.

(3)Pneumonia -acute infection or inflammation of alveoli by the bacterium, Streptococcus phenumoniae. symptoms are fever, chills productive or dry cough, chest pain, difficulty in breathing and in severe cases spitting of blood.

(4)Tuberculosis - is inflammation of lungs and the pleural membrane primarily, (but sometimes other parts of the body may also be involved) by the bacterium. Mycobacterium tuberculosis- It is an infectious and communicable disease. The symptoms are fatigue, weight loss, lethargy, low-grade fever, cough , difficulty in breathing and spitting of blood in advanced stage of disease.

(5) Emphysma is a disorder where the walls of the alveoli are destroyed, producing large air space and less surface area for gas exchange. It is generally caused by cigarette smoke, air and industrial pollution. The patient becomes breathless and the chest size increases.

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